A global company that leads the world’s water supply network management innovation

It is ‘Ssenypang’, a global company that leads the world’s water supply network management innovation.
We are the first company in the world to succeed in developing and commercializing a patented nitrogen cleaning technology.
For the water infrastructure around the world including Korea, China, Thailand, Indonesia, Mongolia, and through more than 70 cleaning experieces that we have accumulated, we have the know-how on water infrastructure in various environments. We have also established an international network with national government water agencies. Currently, through partnerships with government water supply agencies in each country, we provide solutions to establish a water supply integrated pipe network management system such as simultaneous cleaning of the entire city water supply network of 1,000km using nitrogen cleaning and AMI (Advanced Metering Infrastructure) for improvement of NRW (Non-revenue water). So we are leading a new trend in global network management.
Established in 2013
Company establishment
Domestic patent registration
Signed cleaning contract with Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia (worth 1,100km)
Hosted Ssenypang’s 1st global water forum (with 9 countries)
We will innovate new standards of water supply network management with government agencies around the world.